Sunday 30 September 2007

My Sacred Sunday ~ My Sacred Life Day 5

What a day.

A lazy Sunday with the wind howling outside, a nip in the air.

I spent it curled up in my lounge room, snuggled into my sofa with a glass of Brown Bros. Dolcetto & Syrah and The Rubais of Rumi ~ Insane with Love.

How beautiful is this eleventh century collection of rubais. The simple yet profound spiritual truths and visions contained in The Rubais of Rumi lead the way to the path of reconnection to the direct energies of God.

This stood out for me today:

there's a Soul deep inside your soul
search for that Soul
there's a jewel in the mountain of your flesh
go and find the mine of that jewel
o wandering Sufi, search if you can
but not somewhere outside
look for it inside yourself


Hélène Deroubaix said...

Oh my! that book looks and sounds simply amazing! have to find it for myself!
I adore rumi it's always so sweet comforting and awe inspiring to read his words.

Blessed be!

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

I miss you so much!
But I knew you were just fine and busy and getting ready to be a better you!!!
Welcome back!

daisies said...

oh ... i think i need to pick up that book :) thanks for sharing that wonderful quote .. xox